Start Small


Small changes yield big results.

In the course of this year, I’ve experience significant personal growth. It didn’t happen overnight, however, it started with small, intentional steps forward. I decided to dedicate 2023 to transforming who I am and pursue my goals.

A notable shift started when I began to say “Yes” more. It may seem like such a simple concept, but with this mindset, it opened the door to so many possibilities. The results include the discovery of the most meaningful friendships, connections with people from across the world, creation of lifelong memories, and, most importantly, profound personal growth.

The person I was in January 2023 would not recognize who I am December 2023, and that excites me!


Starting small can apply to all areas of your life - fitness, nutrition, self-care, or academics. The key is to determine what you want most out of your life and create a goal from there. For me, I wanted to live in the moment more and take advantage of being in my 20s.

For someone aspiring to improve their fitness - start adding an extra gym session each week, going for a 30-minute walk 3x a week, or working towards an achievable PR.

Nutrition isn’t black and white, at the end of the day, “healthy” eating can be subjective. That said, examples of small steps include focusing on increasing protein, eating a cup of vegetables 3x a week, or making a habit of eating a nutritious breakfast.

Spending time for yourself is essential for a balanced lifestyle. Incorporating self-care habits includes writing a gratitude list, taking a walk, indulging in a face mask, or playing your favorite playlist and going for a drive. At the end of the day, if you are prioritizing yourself, that’s what matters.


Be Present